DataPulse Logo
DataPulse Logo


We use ICD-10 compliant software and a streamlined billing process, offering you the following services:
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Rural Health Capable

Let us handle the specialized billing requirements for your Rural Health Facility. This service varies by state. Please contact us for further information regarding this service.
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Appointment Reminders

Our appointment reminder system can be tailored to meet the needs of you practice while saving you staff time and money. This service integrates with the DataPulse appointment schedule which allows for quick review of reminder status and detailed reporting.
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Collections Processes

Collection letters and statements are quickly and easily processed electronically and can be accessed at any time for review. Patient inquiries can be routed to our friendly and professional billing office via a forwarded ghost line from your office. We can work with any agency of your choice for final collection procedures.
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Database Hosting & Backup

Save time, money, and gain peace of mind. With our hosting option we can host your server and back up your data for a low monthly fee. This option allows you to use the software without the costly option of purchasing expensive hardware.
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Claims & Eligibility

Claims are submitted directly to an approved clearinghouse and monitored for acceptance or rejection from the payer through integrated responses. You can also obtain real-time patient eligibility on demand or via batch submission with the integrated Eligibility Verification module.
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Payment Posting/ERA

Payments are posted from a provided deposit scan or from Electronic Remittance Advices downloaded directly from the clearinghouse. This option provides a streamlined, paperless option.
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Financial Reporting

We provide both AR and Management reporting to fit the needs of your practice. Our comprehensive reporting tools allow for transparent and easy to read detail. Unapplied Payment and Credit Balance Reports are essential to a clean AR. These reports are reviewed and updated monthly and are also included with your monthly management reporting package
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Electronic Payment

Accept in person or over the phone payments using the integrated credit card feature. This allows for quick posting of payments and ensures timely and proper allocation. You can also have your patients make payments directly to you online with a customized and branded payment website.
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Claims Review

Our detailed claims review and follow up process ensures maximum reimbursement. Rest assured that your AR will always be the best that it can be.
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Charge Entry

This service provides basic charge entry from a provided hard copy encounter form or an integrated E H R interface. The DataPulse charge import utility will allow for a streamlined, paperless option.
  • DataPulse
  • DataPulse
  • DataPulse